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We hike the trails of Lassen National Park and Caribou Wilderness.  Our maps are free to you, the hiker.


Sacramento Valley
Hiking Conference


Hay-to-Caribou shuttle

season:  mid Aug-Oct (snow Nov-June, mosquitos July-mid Aug)

length:  9.1 miles  (shuttle 11 miles)

elevation gain:  650'

elevation range:  6400-7050'

rules: Lassen National Forest

trailhead map

hike map


current weather forecast

This is a fun hike.  Because it ends far from where it starts it feels like going on a long journey. Sort of like hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

You will visit a plentitude of lakes on your walk through the woods.

This is the flowery side of Caribou Wilderness; problem is the flowers peak in July---along with the mosquitos.

October is bug-free with crisp air.  Camp overnight in October and expect a long, cold night ... and a multitude of stars in the inky black void.  The air is very clear here, on cloudless nights. A warm campfire may be just the thing.

If you'd like to hike 397 miles without ever going over the same ground twice, our affiliate has the Pacific Crest Trail maps you need.